My Quotes

Stuff that I said.

“No matter how shitty and horrible my life is, I think I live my life pretty well. No one else could do this job as good as me.”

— J

“If Texas has taught me anything, it's how to make it anywhere but here.”

— Josh

“Yes, they make power trains and air conditioners here and it's all technology. But it's not my technology

— Josh Ashmore

“Deadlines hinder innovation.”

— Me

“If someone steals your idea, don't worry. You'll have another great idea. And if you don't, then maybe great ideas was never your thing.”

— J

“The reason that you water your grass when it looks like it might rain is because the plants can tell when it's going to rain and so they prepare to accept the water, which allows your grass to thrive better.”

— Josh

“No one wants to work every day, but they all wanna clock in!”

— Me

“Patio furniture is usually metal. Seat cushions are usually fastened to the chairs with ties. Well that's very time consuming, so we attached magnets to one side of the seat cushions. This makes it easy to throw the cushions onto the chairs without the need to pay much attention to detail. The seat cushions stay in place and we even made back cushions as well.”

— Josh Ashmore